martes, 10 de noviembre de 2009

Money Matters

I don’t really like to talk about money. I suppose it is kind of a taboo subject, but I will give my best effort.

I used to be really good with money. Administrating money was really fun when I was a kid. In fact, growing up I was treasurer of my grade. And later, I started to sell things in my school with my friends. I even did the job of treasurer, which meant to keep all the receipts from the things we bought and the money in order. I think it was fun because it was like a game.
When I was young I also used to save money, specially coins. This ability was lost with the years. For example, at the university we have to spend a lot of money in copies.

I think the fun was gone when the grown-up bills started. Of course it isn’t fun to receive money
just to go pay it somewhere. I can honestly say that I dread to manage the money, but I have to do it because my partner isn’t very good with money.

Like I said because I was good at saving money usually I had money when I was a kid. So my older brothers just to have to borrow money from me. I thought it was funny since they are 7 and 9 years older than me. Now they don’t need to borrow money from me. My mom sometimes borrowed money from me, but I didn’t like to lend her money. She usually didn’t pay it back because she would say that she had given it to me in the first place.

I pay the bills in cash because I don’t like the idea of doing it online and I don’t have a bank account (yet). And I say yet because I know that I will have to get one in order to get paid in the future.

I think that managing money is really difficult, so both, parents and school, should teach children how to do it. In the school with special projects and at home parents should help them administer their allowance. It is important to teach the children to be responsible with their own money.

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2009

improving your Faculty.

Right now one of the main problems at psychology’s program is the curriculum. This is because 4 years ago there was a change in the program and there are a lot of new subjects and other subjects disappeared from the psychology’s curriculum.
This is a problem because every semester they have to create new subjects and they are not sure if they are going to be there next year. They receive the current student’s evaluations to do the necessary changes. This means that this problem is going to be fixed in the future but it will remain a problem while the new curriculum is in probation state.
It is the same thing for the last year of school, where we have to choose from different courses to get a license in a specific field of our choice. I say it is the same thing because a lot of these courses didn’t exist before and they will just start next year. And the others that did exist didn’t receive students like us.
Another problem from this new curriculum is that there are a lot of courses. This means that in the same space where they just to give like 6 different classes today they have to give the double. The psychology’s department could use more classrooms. I remember that a teacher told us once that the university was thinking of building a new building. I think that would be a great idea.
If they did build a new building, we could have new bathrooms (hopefully with toilet paper and soap), new labs and a new library. But that needs a lot of money and I don’t think the university can afford to do it right now.
That is why I think we should start with little things like having toilet paper and soap in the bathrooms. It would make all of us happy and it doesn’t cost a lot of money.
Another small step would be air conditioning in the 4th floor because the classrooms get too hot in the summer and it makes concentrating really hard.