martes, 1 de septiembre de 2009


I think this system is better for the students in first place because in the old system a lot of the time the “micro” (bus) wouldn’t stop for us since we pay less for the service. Now there are no differences between the people who pay the whole fee or just a fraction of it like students.

I also like the idea of using a card to get on the bus; it is quicker and better for the driver because now he doesn’t have to collect the money. This way the drivers don’t get robbed. This system forces us to be more organized, because we have to keep the card charged since it can’t be charged anywhere at anytime, so people should tried to remember to keep the card with a little credit on it all the time. But if you don’t have enough and it’s late at night or too early the system lend you money on your card.

One think that I hate about the new system is that it overload the subway system, because it had such a bad start and even still have a lot of problems, so now take the subway is an awful experience in opposite at how it was before when the old system still worked.

Another thing that I think is really bad is the design of the new buses, they have really narrow hallways at the beginning and end of the bus, and because there aren’t many of them at rush hour if someone is standing there, it is really difficult to get on the bus and even harder for people with overweight problems. Also the seats are too far away, especially those for people with problems of mobility, for instance older people who can’t go so far because there is a really big part with nothing to hold on. It is also very hard to seat in the “tall seats”. And there are some seats where you have nothing to hold on. I would really change these buses.

I have heard that the buses take too much time to pass, I haven’t had that problem but I think a lot of the time people lack the patience; because this new system was suppose to take 10 to 15 minutes for the “troncal” and 15 to 20 minutes for the “alimentadores”. And in this culture people doesn’t like to wait, but this system requires it and you need to be prepare to go out of your house with enough time to wait for the bus and still be on time where you need to be.

1 comentario:

  1. Nice response Carla. This is my first time living in a big city, so I don´t have much to compare it to. I usually just take the metro here, not the busses--the metro seems fine, but I agree with you about how the busses could be designed a bit better. Anyway, here are just a few grammar things.

    --in THE first place

    --should TRY--remember, with any of the modal verbs, like could or should, the verb is in teh present

    --in the third paragraph, it OVERLOADS

    --nothing to hold on TO

    --first sentence in the last paragraph is a comma splice--2 complete sentences with only a comma in between. You could use a semi colon, or conjunction, or period.

    Take care

